15 February 2007

Where do I want to work?

Where do I want to work? Where will I be happy and in love with what I do? Well, that would have to be behind the camera with a production company. Not just any camera, a video camera. And not just any production company, one with a mission to always produce a work of art with a greater message and purpose, to make people actually think about their life and how it affects the world.

It is a dream of mine to capture those real moments and put them on film, video, or any kind of digital imaging in order to share it with people. Those moments when you want to cry, scream, laugh, or are just off thinking in your own world. Or those moments when you find a greater truth or figure out that one thing that kept eluding you. The story behind each one of these is beautiful and something to be told.

I love writing, reading, filming or watching something that will make people think, make people wonder, make people change, or see a new side of things. I would take great pride in having helped or taught someone through film production. With this production company we would not only create inspiration films but also travel the world documenting life, the tragedies and the triumphs. We would show what is happening and try to make changes happen. People must see to believe... so that's where we come in.

The art of film is my passion and anywhere that I can make a difference applying this skill would be the perfect place for me. May each one of you find your passion and let it positively influence the lives of those around you.

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