15 February 2007

Waiters vs. My Family

This match is almost always quite strange, in a funny sarcastic way.
Tonight was no exception.
Let me recap...

You know when you were little and your mom always nags you with the line "Now what do you say...(blank stare)... thank you?" well she did that to my brother tonight as usual (little boys and manners, do they ever learn?) but it went like this:

Mom: "Did you say thank you?"
(waiter turns away a moment)
Brother: "...what... yeah... thank you"
Waiter: "Oh at first it sounded like your mom but now I heard you, you're welcome"


Next... My family loves cheese. Parmesan Cheese. It must be the final layer to any italian dish.
The waiter grates some for my mom. Then my dad which takes a bit... then my brother... oh he's out of cheese... comes back... finishes my brother's plate which must have the most cheese on it. He pauses, "ok wait a second... (pants, streches arm)... okay" then adds cheese to my sisters plate and my own.
Its quite the arm workout. We always warn them.

Now the meal is done, have to box up the leftovers. Well, tonight, I couldn't decide if I would eat mine later and since I haven't been feeling well no one else would want to eat it... In the end the waiter boxed both.

Waiter comes back to the table with boxed food.
Waiter: Since both meals were the same I labeled them: Mom and Sniffles.
Me: (cracks up) thanks...
Waiter exits. I look in to the bag and sure enough... it says "Sniffles"
Me: I can't believe he actually wrote Sniffles on my box!

As you can see dinner with my family is a little different, not to mention the topics that come up. lol It's my favorite part of the day.

Anyone else have wonderfully odd family dinners?


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