17 October 2009

The Wild Thing Is Right Here

Loved this movie.
But a certain someone asked me what it was about and I found myself realizing how complex this story is.
If at first I had to put it in only a couple words I'd say love and forgiveness. But there is a deep complexity to that.
Hidden within everyone is an instinct for anger and rage. It bursts out every now again and it is something very real to life. I remember feeling that way as a child, ready to explode. Whether it was sister rivalry or being at odds with mom or brotherly impatience, you could feel it bubbling to the surface and all you wanted to do was scream, let it out, make someone listen. As you learn and grow older, gaining a certain level self-awareness, you can begin to step back from the situation, but that feeling is still there, ready to fly out. When it does, being human it will, you have to be ready to forgive because love is the greatest part of humanity. How do we show that even when we're scared or angry or hurt... when we're lost, or lonely or confused we still love each other? To accept that feeling, let go and forgive. It's that kind of love that connects us. Life is a wild thing.

So for me, Where the Wild Things Are is about what it means to be human.