29 June 2009

Oh Dear Its been a long time...

Curiously enough people do find another's blog interesting...
What an adventure... I'm in the strangest place in my life right now. Things are falling away and while I still have the tendency to act like a child sometimes, I am back in my home town finding out how people tick... how life is endlessly changing. I'm evolving and trying to adapt. It's unnerving.

So far this summer... going with the theme of this blog... I have an internship at a local production company and I just participated in the 48 Hr film festival:

1) The Internship. I've learned some and yet have been kind of disappointed. Transcriptions, research, casting assisting, production assisting, extra, QC, etc. It's good, but I just want to be needed for more than just a little job here and there. Shadowing associate producers I guess is the best I can do.

2) Almost a complete fail... We didn't make the deadline but we did complete a film. There's a little success. I got to understand production dynamics a bit better with what is really necessary not to overlook. I also got to see how a team can really not mesh.
I'll link the film if it's ever put online :)

Leaving for the mountains in a few days... it's so damn hot here.
That's all I got.


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