21 June 2007

Advanced Screening week

I went to two movies this week, Steve Buscemi's Interview and the movie Introducing the Dwights (formerly Clubland). Both were quite enjoyable.

Steve was lead actor and director of Interview, which is a remake of a recent film by a dutch filmmaker who was assassinated. He was at the screening and answered questions, though I never got called on unfortunately (and I didn't have one of those multiple 3 part questions; "What was your goal for the film as a director versus and actor?"). The end plot twist was a nice finale to the movie. I was surprised at how well the movie moved overall, despite being in one place and with only two actors. Steve and Sienna did an excellent job acting and bringing depth to their characters. They shot the entire movie in 9 days on a budget of under a million. He also said they had rehearsed for two weeks prior to understand the limits of their spontaneous blocking (instead of it being choreographed like a stage play). It's a good movie to go see and not too long, so check it out.

Introducing the Dwights was a fun romantic comedy with a bunch of crazy people. Everyone in that movie was slightly insane or had something weird about them. The acting was pretty good, not my favorite but not distracting. It's mostly about a boy who falls madly in love with a girl and the mama doesn't like it one bit and doesn't want to let go. An Australian production, the US theatrical release isn't until July. Definitely a nice date movie.

Also good movies to check out: Me, You and Everyone We Know (a poetic and extremely odd tale of love, also a sundance and Cannes winner) and I <3 Huckabee's (a philosophical comedy you can enjoy).

Hope you all are having a wonderful summer!

11 June 2007

film randomness

09 June 2007

Four Eyed Monsters

Watch this movie... it won sundance audience award.
I really like it.
I hope you do too.

07 June 2007

Surf's up!

Went to the premiere of Surf's up! check it out!

04 June 2007

Deception Day 1

I began working on my third production of this year, today!
After driving through extreme rain, where I couldn't see but 10 feet in front of me on the highway, I made it to the set in Mansfield which would be the site of Tye's (the serial killer) house. Very creepy stuff! Then we had SWAT team guys come for their scenes where they arrest Tye. It was super intense! (I was watching the shots as they came barging in and they were pointing guns right at me.)

While we were getting ready to shoot the SWAT van scenes the sky began swirling like it really wanted to develop into a tornado. That was a bit unnerving but I always wanted to see one in real life. (As a little girl I used to want to be a storm chaser/ weather girl. Twister always was a favorite movie of mine. lol)

In the end, we got all the shots we needed and we ran 20 minutes early! (that's definitely a first for any shoot I've been on! lol But there were very few shot set ups and takes) I'm excited for Friday! More movie making!!

Today I also ordered 2 books on filmmaking and screenwriting so I'm excited for those to come and hopefully it will help me jump start more of my own projects.

This movie is going to be awesome, I'm sure of it!